What is beauty? The flawless photo of the over-exposed female, the vain human being on steroids? Girls, do you wake up each morning, and spend about half an hour, fixing each strand of hair perfectly in their place, making sure your mascara is evenly spread, looking over and over again to see if each line of eyeliner is parallel to the other eye, to see if the texture, dryness, shininess of your expensive brand of gloss is a perfect shape? Making sure you won't stand out from all the other perfect faces? Guys, do you shake yourself awake each day, gelling your hair, combing it into some celebrity model, maybe do 20 push ups just so you won't be looked down as weak? Don't we all look in the mirror half naked, girls saying "I'm too fat" and guys saying "I need to work out more?"
Then we all strap on our expensive, fancy brand shoes, backpacks and watches, strut out the door like everyone else, and for a day we laugh and talk about what everyone else is saying. We talk until we are all the same, and we feel not so bad... Hey, I'm not ugly if they are all doing it, right? A zit? Foundation! Cracked lips? More gloss! Bad skin? Powder! All this, comes with a price, on your body's health and your money. They say your skin is bad, so you slap on more makeup. Makeup is like poison, you get addicted, and it worsens your skin condition. You keep slapping it on, it still looks fine, but how long can we hide it? When we are 70, some of us might just start getting tired of all the glitter. When we take it all off at night, what do we see? Wrinkles, imperfections, scars.
In the end, all the years of trying so hard to look pretty, it always ends up all the same, our beauty has faded. What happened? When I was 10, I woke up, brushed my bangs and teeth, washed my face, slapped on a worn and tattered blue/pink Cinnamoroll backpack and pink glasses, buttoned my shirt all the way up to the last button, pulled up knee length white socks, black flats, and smiled out the door. See how much two years could change me? I couldn't pair white socks with black flats anymore ( Huge fashion crime, traded in for black socks), Couldn't wear pink glasses (Traded them in for "better" black frames), Couldn't have straight bangs (Considered "ugly" and not trendy, traded them in for side bangs), Couldn't button any shirt all the way up (Considered nerdy, weird, awkward), Couldn't wear anything with a Sanrio cartoon on it (Considered kiddish, traded in for a purple Outdoor).
I stopped myself from all the mascara and eyeliner, the hair products and ponytails, and the "simple T-shirt". I stopped, because I don't think looking like everyone else is, frankly, "beautiful". Those who started a trend of clothes were just being themselves! Are we being ourselves? No, we are being them, and that makes us clones. the only thing we should strive to be like is Jesus. So right now,just stop here, and think. What if we all stopped dressing like everyone else, and turn a little hipster here? The world would be so much different if we all followed the beat of our own drum, and not listen to the beat of another pounding.
If you like something/somebody, who has the right to change that? You don't have to follow what others say about you. If you listen to them, and you believe that you are/look like crap, then you do look like crap, you are crap. But if you shut it out, and do what you know you were born to do, be who God destined you to be, then you are truly beautiful, because everything he makes is perfect. It's the devil out there, telling you are ugly when you are not. Beauty, is a choice. The choice, to believe who you are, and you are beautiful, because in the end, the true beauty that will endure forever, is your HEART.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Hi everyone, My name is Victoria, Admin of this blog. I'm a 13 year old stargazer. This blog is about hope, which I'm grateful to have learnt. Hope saved me in dark moments, telling me to always look forward to a better tomorrow. I'd like to share hope with those who really need it, like I did back then.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
So now I'm back. Three days have changed me so much more than I expected. I have finally accepted him into my life, and now God no longer sees me as the torn and weary, but as his own, the holy spirit itself inside me. I'm perfect.
I've always loved God with all I was, and yes, the guilt was always there that I felt I needed him only when I was upset, but the fact was always there that he had already forgiven you even before you were created. I loved him enough that he created me, gave me the power of life, the ability to do anything I please. But to give me life again through his own death on the cross? It made me think of the story of Moses and the red sea. God had freed them from Egypt, and the people look at that and say bless the lord. But for him to free them from their doubts by parting the red sea when the soldiers from Egypt came chasing after them, and save them again? He killed the soldiers with the sea, and freed them again, forever. God created us, made us out of his own image. We sinned, let him down over and over, again and again, time and time. We say, oh God is there, we need not be afraid. We feel like God is just something you use, like a light. We praise him everyday, saying I love you, you love me. We stand and sing hallelujah, he saved us. Then you go and face these huge doubts, when your parents tell you your grades aren't good enough, when they say you can do better, when they make you say you have done something wrong out loud.
How hard is it to say we did something wrong? To say we are sinners? We all know we have. We are sinners. But to say it, hurts. It makes you feel like you're less than you are, small, useless. Same thing with God, admitting you are a sinner, isn't the hardest thing in the world, but to actually say that, makes you realize we are way less strong, way less powerful than we think we are. We are tiny people, we are nothing compared to the world around us. Look, at the universe. Look at the galaxies, look at the stars at night. We are nothing, nothing more than a speck sitting on a stone, gazing up at infinity and beyond, wondering what we are. By the time you read the first part of this post, maybe about 100 stars have been created. Snap, new star, new star, new star... and he puts them in place by name. New baby is born every second. New life, new life, new life. You know how on a hike, you look up and say "this is amazing"? You look at the stars and say the same. Your look at your pastor, your bible, and what do you say? When God made the world, he said this is good. The world, the infinity, good. He made Adam, the sinner, the tempted. Sin took over him, and he knew that even before anything happened. Before this post existed, he looked at the sinner he created, and said : This is very good. God looks at us, and he sees the holy spirit. He sees us past our sin, and sees perfection. God made a drawing, breathed life in it, and instead of crumpling it up because it was ugly, he hung it up on his wall, in a frame, and gazed at us and said THIS IS VERY GOOD. Like we are a big deal, like we are of value.
Doubts sent by the devil. We feel like we are messed up, unloved, but here comes Jesus. Do you go spreading the gospel like: God made you! He made your messed up life for a reason! Yay! Or do you say: God loves you.(?) I felt Jesus' death was something that saved me from hell, something that was never going to be understood, he did because he wanted us with him in heaven, he gave us this gift because he loves us. Jesus was my passage to heaven. One day into camp, I felt like This gift wasn't something I could accept. Who am I? To take the gift of his love? To hold the dagger up to his neck and kill him? To accept this gift meant to kill him, to hammer him into the cross. And then there was fear. I have been told I wasn't worthy too many times, and now for him to die, and say, here, take this. It's your key to heaven. To ask your lord almighty to die for you? A little selfish huh. He is worth so much more than I am. There is a billion like me, and I am one out of trillions of his creations. Why do I deserve to be saved? I love him, and that's why I don't want to bear the title: I killed Jesus.
So I stand here, holding his life, the most powerful love in my hands. I have never been truly loved before, and now I hold this most blinding love, powerful force in my own hands? I couldn't put it in me, I felt like that was really selfish and mean to take his life, just for your own in heaven. To make him suffer so much, the crown of thorns pressed against his head, the blood, the 39 whips, the three days in hell! For what, your eternal life in heaven? I felt like I had no right to take his life, but he has every right to take mine. To die for me? I felt like after all I did to him, I should die in his name, and burn forever in hell. But no, he died for me already. I felt like I couldn't accept it, because I didn't have anything to offer back that was of same, or even similar value. His life is too much, and even if I gave him my life, it wouldn't total to much. This debt I could never repay, is better never to owe. I mean, if I was there, and I was there yelling: Don't kill him! I would feel better. I feel so bad that he already died for me.
I accepted the second night of camp. I felt like if I had to make him suffer so much, I better not be regretting that he died for me. I was worth so much to him, he died for me! If I refuse, it would be an insult, and he would have died in vain. Funny thing is, he chose to stay on that cross. He had the power to come down, but he chose to stay up there. To die for us. I was willing to go to hell, I deserved it pretty well. But now to accept this gift? To have my LORD die for ME? I didn't nail him. He stayed and died to free us. Because he loves us. I didn't kill him, he killed himself, for us. What I did when I accepted him, when I said "I do", It was an act of obedience. We are worth dying for, and we do value much in His eyes. When I felt like I wasn't worth his pain, I was telling god he was making a mistake to die for me. God never makes mistakes. He died, for us, for our lives, because of true love, love that never fails. Who are we to say we have a tough time? He has had it a million times worse. But he died, so we could be free, to let us be loved.
I'm back to square one, I realize if I had never wondered all these things, the message would have been the same. God loves you, and yes, we don't deserve any of it, but it happened because of his amazing grace. To him, we are destined to do more, we are precious, even when we feel like we are less than we are. We are saved again by Jesus, like God saved his people in the red sea. That's why, I feel the same love even if I was way simpler. We all feel God's love the same way, but some of us find out "the hard way" or the different way. We all accept this gift for different reasons, but in the end, he is still always the same, our God, our Lord, our father and friend. He Loves you. God, Loves you. That, is our gift.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
I've always loved God with all I was, and yes, the guilt was always there that I felt I needed him only when I was upset, but the fact was always there that he had already forgiven you even before you were created. I loved him enough that he created me, gave me the power of life, the ability to do anything I please. But to give me life again through his own death on the cross? It made me think of the story of Moses and the red sea. God had freed them from Egypt, and the people look at that and say bless the lord. But for him to free them from their doubts by parting the red sea when the soldiers from Egypt came chasing after them, and save them again? He killed the soldiers with the sea, and freed them again, forever. God created us, made us out of his own image. We sinned, let him down over and over, again and again, time and time. We say, oh God is there, we need not be afraid. We feel like God is just something you use, like a light. We praise him everyday, saying I love you, you love me. We stand and sing hallelujah, he saved us. Then you go and face these huge doubts, when your parents tell you your grades aren't good enough, when they say you can do better, when they make you say you have done something wrong out loud.
How hard is it to say we did something wrong? To say we are sinners? We all know we have. We are sinners. But to say it, hurts. It makes you feel like you're less than you are, small, useless. Same thing with God, admitting you are a sinner, isn't the hardest thing in the world, but to actually say that, makes you realize we are way less strong, way less powerful than we think we are. We are tiny people, we are nothing compared to the world around us. Look, at the universe. Look at the galaxies, look at the stars at night. We are nothing, nothing more than a speck sitting on a stone, gazing up at infinity and beyond, wondering what we are. By the time you read the first part of this post, maybe about 100 stars have been created. Snap, new star, new star, new star... and he puts them in place by name. New baby is born every second. New life, new life, new life. You know how on a hike, you look up and say "this is amazing"? You look at the stars and say the same. Your look at your pastor, your bible, and what do you say? When God made the world, he said this is good. The world, the infinity, good. He made Adam, the sinner, the tempted. Sin took over him, and he knew that even before anything happened. Before this post existed, he looked at the sinner he created, and said : This is very good. God looks at us, and he sees the holy spirit. He sees us past our sin, and sees perfection. God made a drawing, breathed life in it, and instead of crumpling it up because it was ugly, he hung it up on his wall, in a frame, and gazed at us and said THIS IS VERY GOOD. Like we are a big deal, like we are of value.
Doubts sent by the devil. We feel like we are messed up, unloved, but here comes Jesus. Do you go spreading the gospel like: God made you! He made your messed up life for a reason! Yay! Or do you say: God loves you.(?) I felt Jesus' death was something that saved me from hell, something that was never going to be understood, he did because he wanted us with him in heaven, he gave us this gift because he loves us. Jesus was my passage to heaven. One day into camp, I felt like This gift wasn't something I could accept. Who am I? To take the gift of his love? To hold the dagger up to his neck and kill him? To accept this gift meant to kill him, to hammer him into the cross. And then there was fear. I have been told I wasn't worthy too many times, and now for him to die, and say, here, take this. It's your key to heaven. To ask your lord almighty to die for you? A little selfish huh. He is worth so much more than I am. There is a billion like me, and I am one out of trillions of his creations. Why do I deserve to be saved? I love him, and that's why I don't want to bear the title: I killed Jesus.
So I stand here, holding his life, the most powerful love in my hands. I have never been truly loved before, and now I hold this most blinding love, powerful force in my own hands? I couldn't put it in me, I felt like that was really selfish and mean to take his life, just for your own in heaven. To make him suffer so much, the crown of thorns pressed against his head, the blood, the 39 whips, the three days in hell! For what, your eternal life in heaven? I felt like I had no right to take his life, but he has every right to take mine. To die for me? I felt like after all I did to him, I should die in his name, and burn forever in hell. But no, he died for me already. I felt like I couldn't accept it, because I didn't have anything to offer back that was of same, or even similar value. His life is too much, and even if I gave him my life, it wouldn't total to much. This debt I could never repay, is better never to owe. I mean, if I was there, and I was there yelling: Don't kill him! I would feel better. I feel so bad that he already died for me.
I accepted the second night of camp. I felt like if I had to make him suffer so much, I better not be regretting that he died for me. I was worth so much to him, he died for me! If I refuse, it would be an insult, and he would have died in vain. Funny thing is, he chose to stay on that cross. He had the power to come down, but he chose to stay up there. To die for us. I was willing to go to hell, I deserved it pretty well. But now to accept this gift? To have my LORD die for ME? I didn't nail him. He stayed and died to free us. Because he loves us. I didn't kill him, he killed himself, for us. What I did when I accepted him, when I said "I do", It was an act of obedience. We are worth dying for, and we do value much in His eyes. When I felt like I wasn't worth his pain, I was telling god he was making a mistake to die for me. God never makes mistakes. He died, for us, for our lives, because of true love, love that never fails. Who are we to say we have a tough time? He has had it a million times worse. But he died, so we could be free, to let us be loved.
I'm back to square one, I realize if I had never wondered all these things, the message would have been the same. God loves you, and yes, we don't deserve any of it, but it happened because of his amazing grace. To him, we are destined to do more, we are precious, even when we feel like we are less than we are. We are saved again by Jesus, like God saved his people in the red sea. That's why, I feel the same love even if I was way simpler. We all feel God's love the same way, but some of us find out "the hard way" or the different way. We all accept this gift for different reasons, but in the end, he is still always the same, our God, our Lord, our father and friend. He Loves you. God, Loves you. That, is our gift.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sometimes I feel like I just don't belong. I've been searching for others like me, so far no luck. I once had one really close friend I knew since forever. We were always there looking after each other, he helped lift me up whenever I needed it, listened, cared... He was my pillar, my refuge and motive.
He was my fellow stargazer, the first stargazer I knew. I guess god wanted to make me learn humans are never forever, because now he's gone forever. My first reaction was to collapse, and for the first time, he wasn't there to pick me up. For the first time, I had to scramble up myself, or at least, so I thought. I felt alone for months. I lost that "big mouth" of mine. I stopped being the huge talker I was. I felt like I was wasting words without him to listen anymore. I felt like nobody cared. That's when I started turning half emo. I realized how important he was to me now. I felt torn in pieces. I used to feel so independent, proud, loud. I realized too late he was something I needed in my life. I was dependent the whole time, and those few times I fell in the past months, I never scrambled up alone. A wisp of a hand has always helped me up, silent, gentle, yet strong.
Just like his, but with more power. God has helped me up, and I knew it. I was too weak to ever get up by myself, I needed help, I need help. And God has been with me all this time, right next to me, when I thought I only had my fellow stargazer. We are all weak, we are small, we face troubles, we all fall. But still, he seeks us out and reaches out with his true love, and lift us up again. We see that we need human support, we need God's support. We know we are not as strong as we think we are. But what we don't remember all the time is that god has the power to take anything from us anytime. I felt that the hard way, but god was the one who pieced me together again, he wasn't impatient, he wasn't harsh. He put the torn pieces together and secured them again with the same mild, tender love I thought I would never feel again. I know I can trust god even when it hurts, when it's hard, when I'm in pieces, ugly and unworthy. Who am I really to be fixed?
Sometimes I wonder why he loves like this. I wonder if all humans loved this way... What would happen? Even more, I wonder what would a world without god be like? But then again, there's another side of questions tearing at me. What if in this world, we all don't belong? Even one of the most important things, one of the things I thought would last forever, was just temporary. The thought lingers... I seem to get lost in this part of my thoughts. 3 days, 2 nights. I think I'll have enough time to think things over in camp. I'm not especially psyched, or excited, but I think it will be... fair. So long story short, I'll be absent for a few days, but I'll be back, with more ideas and and whatnot.
Also, A few days after camp I will officially unveil this blog to my school. Wish me luck, I need it. In the meantime, leave some comments maybe, and send me an email at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com if you're interested in becoming a stargazer. (It's not really a club, more like a people that can help contribute to the blog and help out each other.) So I'll end with this, a quote from my one of my favorite christian songs, "Where I Belong" by building 429. "Sometimes it feels like I'm watching, from the outside. Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing, but am I alive? I won't keep searching for answers that aren't here to find...All I know is I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong, take this world and give me Jesus,This is not where I belong."
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
He was my fellow stargazer, the first stargazer I knew. I guess god wanted to make me learn humans are never forever, because now he's gone forever. My first reaction was to collapse, and for the first time, he wasn't there to pick me up. For the first time, I had to scramble up myself, or at least, so I thought. I felt alone for months. I lost that "big mouth" of mine. I stopped being the huge talker I was. I felt like I was wasting words without him to listen anymore. I felt like nobody cared. That's when I started turning half emo. I realized how important he was to me now. I felt torn in pieces. I used to feel so independent, proud, loud. I realized too late he was something I needed in my life. I was dependent the whole time, and those few times I fell in the past months, I never scrambled up alone. A wisp of a hand has always helped me up, silent, gentle, yet strong.
Just like his, but with more power. God has helped me up, and I knew it. I was too weak to ever get up by myself, I needed help, I need help. And God has been with me all this time, right next to me, when I thought I only had my fellow stargazer. We are all weak, we are small, we face troubles, we all fall. But still, he seeks us out and reaches out with his true love, and lift us up again. We see that we need human support, we need God's support. We know we are not as strong as we think we are. But what we don't remember all the time is that god has the power to take anything from us anytime. I felt that the hard way, but god was the one who pieced me together again, he wasn't impatient, he wasn't harsh. He put the torn pieces together and secured them again with the same mild, tender love I thought I would never feel again. I know I can trust god even when it hurts, when it's hard, when I'm in pieces, ugly and unworthy. Who am I really to be fixed?
Sometimes I wonder why he loves like this. I wonder if all humans loved this way... What would happen? Even more, I wonder what would a world without god be like? But then again, there's another side of questions tearing at me. What if in this world, we all don't belong? Even one of the most important things, one of the things I thought would last forever, was just temporary. The thought lingers... I seem to get lost in this part of my thoughts. 3 days, 2 nights. I think I'll have enough time to think things over in camp. I'm not especially psyched, or excited, but I think it will be... fair. So long story short, I'll be absent for a few days, but I'll be back, with more ideas and and whatnot.
Also, A few days after camp I will officially unveil this blog to my school. Wish me luck, I need it. In the meantime, leave some comments maybe, and send me an email at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com if you're interested in becoming a stargazer. (It's not really a club, more like a people that can help contribute to the blog and help out each other.) So I'll end with this, a quote from my one of my favorite christian songs, "Where I Belong" by building 429. "Sometimes it feels like I'm watching, from the outside. Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing, but am I alive? I won't keep searching for answers that aren't here to find...All I know is I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong, take this world and give me Jesus,This is not where I belong."
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Monday, September 24, 2012
Here's a bigger topic. Love. What does it mean? The prince charming on the white horse, the love of your life? Your parents, who were always looking after you, your siblings who always stood on your side? Maybe not. I know I'm "too young" to be talking about this deep mystery of life. But maybe that's what draws me most to it.
Some call it chemistry, some call it weakness. I thought someone I knew was a huge flirt, I mean it makes sense, but I think toying around with something so potentially dangerous is, dangerous. Maybe it's for the adrenaline rush? I wonder what true love is. I never performed a sign to anyone, always bearing a poker face. Fear maybe? At least that's what made me a stargazer. I'm not here to sell myself to the media, to attract anyone with what I can do, as far as I know, I have never met anyone who loved me before. That "flirt" met me one day, and turns out she is one of the smartest people I know.We had a decent conversation, and I found out the whole time I was judging her before. I have been judging love. I realize I have been somehow sucked into this huge media of rumors, and the one thing I thought I had nothing to do with have somehow got a hold of me.
Somebody once said to me: Have you ever had a guy look you straight in the eye and say I love you? Well I think saying that is giving one your heart. Many times I have found myself cursing out under my breath about pity, about jealousy and grudges. I have been anchored in logic so much, I feel my heart is truly a weakness. I can tell you, so many times I just wanted to rip my heart out, and leave it on the pavement, and walk on with what I know, because I think, I know then I will be so much stronger. No, the answer hit me hard. I thought I'd ripped it out, but what remains remain, even the smallest shard of love grows silently like a cancer. I find too late that I had fallen on a stupid trap set by the human heart. Ah, you barely even notice it. the silken thread is actually a death snare.
In the vicinity of love, you are in the vicinity of death. Never let your guard down, because prince charming hides a dagger that will cut you heart in half. Love is a flame, it can provide warmth, light the way, show you what could lie ahead, but love can burn, leaving you in ashes for the wind to scatter. Love is... Love. So beware who you give your heart to. Over and over again you give your heart to someone, and over and over again you are wounded. Each deeper than the last. "I wonder why we bother with love if it never lasts"~ Taylor Swift. Is it really worth the gamble? The risk? I can wonder. But will I ever find out myself? I've heard love is so complicated you have to find out by being hurt. I'm still cutting my way through other thorns and thickets, so love must wait. But really, tell me, what is human love?
Right now, I can only confirm the love of god. But have anyone even felt true, undying human love before, not from you parents or siblings? But someone you met along the walk of life, and really loved? What triggers human to love? Love is truly, the most powerful force, the biggest weakness, the best poison and the worst thing and the best thing that could ever happen to anyone. Why? because love does not exist on earth, what we call love, is lust. Only through god's name can we truly LOVE, and truly be loved. Anything else, no matter how beautiful it is, is lust. So, longest post so far. But love is a big thing, a global issue. I'm going to end with one of my statuses another stargazer emailed me to post.
" Never trust your heart. Those you feel are miracles sent by angels are perfect weapons to use against you. Those you depend on most shove you down and turn on you when you least expect it. Those you treasure most stab you deepest. Those you trust most lash out the most severe betrayals. Those you loved and thought loved back draw the most blood. But those you never loved are harmless to you for they can only laugh. The true reason why you re slowly dying in agony is because you loved. Just look at Jesus... So to everyone out there, be careful who you love, and how you love. Be careful of Love."~ Me
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Some call it chemistry, some call it weakness. I thought someone I knew was a huge flirt, I mean it makes sense, but I think toying around with something so potentially dangerous is, dangerous. Maybe it's for the adrenaline rush? I wonder what true love is. I never performed a sign to anyone, always bearing a poker face. Fear maybe? At least that's what made me a stargazer. I'm not here to sell myself to the media, to attract anyone with what I can do, as far as I know, I have never met anyone who loved me before. That "flirt" met me one day, and turns out she is one of the smartest people I know.We had a decent conversation, and I found out the whole time I was judging her before. I have been judging love. I realize I have been somehow sucked into this huge media of rumors, and the one thing I thought I had nothing to do with have somehow got a hold of me.
Somebody once said to me: Have you ever had a guy look you straight in the eye and say I love you? Well I think saying that is giving one your heart. Many times I have found myself cursing out under my breath about pity, about jealousy and grudges. I have been anchored in logic so much, I feel my heart is truly a weakness. I can tell you, so many times I just wanted to rip my heart out, and leave it on the pavement, and walk on with what I know, because I think, I know then I will be so much stronger. No, the answer hit me hard. I thought I'd ripped it out, but what remains remain, even the smallest shard of love grows silently like a cancer. I find too late that I had fallen on a stupid trap set by the human heart. Ah, you barely even notice it. the silken thread is actually a death snare.
In the vicinity of love, you are in the vicinity of death. Never let your guard down, because prince charming hides a dagger that will cut you heart in half. Love is a flame, it can provide warmth, light the way, show you what could lie ahead, but love can burn, leaving you in ashes for the wind to scatter. Love is... Love. So beware who you give your heart to. Over and over again you give your heart to someone, and over and over again you are wounded. Each deeper than the last. "I wonder why we bother with love if it never lasts"~ Taylor Swift. Is it really worth the gamble? The risk? I can wonder. But will I ever find out myself? I've heard love is so complicated you have to find out by being hurt. I'm still cutting my way through other thorns and thickets, so love must wait. But really, tell me, what is human love?
Right now, I can only confirm the love of god. But have anyone even felt true, undying human love before, not from you parents or siblings? But someone you met along the walk of life, and really loved? What triggers human to love? Love is truly, the most powerful force, the biggest weakness, the best poison and the worst thing and the best thing that could ever happen to anyone. Why? because love does not exist on earth, what we call love, is lust. Only through god's name can we truly LOVE, and truly be loved. Anything else, no matter how beautiful it is, is lust. So, longest post so far. But love is a big thing, a global issue. I'm going to end with one of my statuses another stargazer emailed me to post.
" Never trust your heart. Those you feel are miracles sent by angels are perfect weapons to use against you. Those you depend on most shove you down and turn on you when you least expect it. Those you treasure most stab you deepest. Those you trust most lash out the most severe betrayals. Those you loved and thought loved back draw the most blood. But those you never loved are harmless to you for they can only laugh. The true reason why you re slowly dying in agony is because you loved. Just look at Jesus... So to everyone out there, be careful who you love, and how you love. Be careful of Love."~ Me
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Sunday, September 23, 2012
You know how we keep saying to those who had overcome certain pain "strong"? Those who had family die, those who have recovered from a deathly disease? Well the answer is they are just human. They have done what they did because they have gone through many, many pains and sufferings, and somehow grown stronger.
Sounds cliche eh, but I guess it just proves it, and we have realized it many times over. A kid from rural places can walk on gravel barefoot without getting cut because his/her feet's soles have been toughened, like cowhide, over the years of trial and hurt, and he/she is now used to it, numb to it. Those who have grown up with expensive sports shoes will holler in pain every time they tread on a small shard of wood or glass, and refuse to go on, because it is a new pain and a discomfort to them.
This applies to almost anything in life and human society, even bullying, those who have been victims all their life are numb to the arrows and bullets those shoot at them, they just ricochet off their body, because they have been used to it. But when those who have always been accepted and loved by many are shot, they fall in an instant and bleed for an eternity. What does it take for one of us to stand? We all stood before. We were all created same, weak and vulnerable. But what matters is who we become, and how we take cover of the stones life throws at us.
"This is human. For it to wake, it takes a dream. For it to stand, it takes years to learn and have that undying belief. For it to walk, It takes determination and love. For it to speak, it takes courage and ability. For it to fight, it takes strength and power. For it to survive a storm, either physical or mental, it takes luck, support, a goal and a whole lot of hope. For it to fall, It takes a strong, fierce, united push, and a loud, painful crash. For it to stand again, it takes a miracle."~Me
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Sounds cliche eh, but I guess it just proves it, and we have realized it many times over. A kid from rural places can walk on gravel barefoot without getting cut because his/her feet's soles have been toughened, like cowhide, over the years of trial and hurt, and he/she is now used to it, numb to it. Those who have grown up with expensive sports shoes will holler in pain every time they tread on a small shard of wood or glass, and refuse to go on, because it is a new pain and a discomfort to them.
This applies to almost anything in life and human society, even bullying, those who have been victims all their life are numb to the arrows and bullets those shoot at them, they just ricochet off their body, because they have been used to it. But when those who have always been accepted and loved by many are shot, they fall in an instant and bleed for an eternity. What does it take for one of us to stand? We all stood before. We were all created same, weak and vulnerable. But what matters is who we become, and how we take cover of the stones life throws at us.
"This is human. For it to wake, it takes a dream. For it to stand, it takes years to learn and have that undying belief. For it to walk, It takes determination and love. For it to speak, it takes courage and ability. For it to fight, it takes strength and power. For it to survive a storm, either physical or mental, it takes luck, support, a goal and a whole lot of hope. For it to fall, It takes a strong, fierce, united push, and a loud, painful crash. For it to stand again, it takes a miracle."~Me
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Sometimes, you sit alone at the lunch table, and those who think they are kind come along and offer you a ticket to be accepted. You believe they are who God had sent, and in a blind happiness, sometimes we all forget to check for the flaws. but the clue is to look closely, to wait, to be patient. Check over again and again because there is quite a fine line between pity and love. Same as judgement, nobody has the right to pity those who are equal to you. If you donate money to Africa, aids, red cross etc out of pity, those who receive the help would feel utterly week and useless, less than they are. The hand you extend towards them should be of true love, because only then would they feel cared for, accepted and worthy.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Bullying. I doubt any of us don't know what
that means, right? I have a few things to say about that. First thing is that
God has created us all as equal, and I think being unaccepted or less
accepted doesn't mean anything. The people around you are all shaped
into some form, and just because you are a different
form doesn't mean anything big.
They can all be squares and you could be a circle, and they might not accept you, but someday you would find other circles, and be where you belong. If you're a victim, the worst thing you could do is change in every way you can, to be like the ones around you. god has put you here to find those like you, not force you to be something you are not.
If you try to become something you obviously aren't meant to be, your original purpose that God had given you to play on has been changed. So my point is to kinda just stay true to you, because regret might strike any time.
"Be... true to who you are?Some people have worn a mask for so long, hiding themselves from others that a mask really is who they are now. Even is they have been something original then, it has long gone. All that's left now is an empty husk of lies and secrets that ruined everything." ~Me
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
They can all be squares and you could be a circle, and they might not accept you, but someday you would find other circles, and be where you belong. If you're a victim, the worst thing you could do is change in every way you can, to be like the ones around you. god has put you here to find those like you, not force you to be something you are not.
If you try to become something you obviously aren't meant to be, your original purpose that God had given you to play on has been changed. So my point is to kinda just stay true to you, because regret might strike any time.
"Be... true to who you are?Some people have worn a mask for so long, hiding themselves from others that a mask really is who they are now. Even is they have been something original then, it has long gone. All that's left now is an empty husk of lies and secrets that ruined everything." ~Me
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Alone. Why is it such a bad thing? It is true sometimes when you break down,
you need human comfort, but why are those who choose to be alone sometimes are
dubbed with the label loner? Why is it so important to be with as many people
as you know all the time? I want to say something for "loners" everywhere. You are never alone, you are worth just as much as your idol, and you are loved.
"I'm not special in any way, I'm no different from all of you. I'm the same age, same kind, same creation as you all. It's just that I choose my time to do different things than the majority. I don't follow the norm, because I believe there's something more than friends, money, parties and grades in life. Sometimes being alone can show you there's still so much more than what we know. Sometimes, it's these little things that make the biggest parts of your life unique and complete." ~ME
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
"I'm not special in any way, I'm no different from all of you. I'm the same age, same kind, same creation as you all. It's just that I choose my time to do different things than the majority. I don't follow the norm, because I believe there's something more than friends, money, parties and grades in life. Sometimes being alone can show you there's still so much more than what we know. Sometimes, it's these little things that make the biggest parts of your life unique and complete." ~ME
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
I started this blog to just kinda share some of my findings? Well here's one. Judgement. Who has the right to judge really? You have no right to judge your parents, your friends, your enemies, neither do they to you. You know someone for a pretty long time, maybe most their life. You can be their friend, but you might not know if they feel the same way.
You can never know how they think, and never know if what they say is even true. Along the line comes those you barely know, and you instantly judge them without even finding out their full capability.
Can anyone really judge? You can see a person everyday, and still not know them. I feel like I can go to school, bearing the title everyone bears: student. And still, I would feel less than human. I could be surrounded by people and feel alone, I could have the whole world despise me, and still I choose to believe I am accepted, and trust in the smiling lips that turn sides when I'm not looking.
A few days ago I was shoved into the walls by some others, like I was worthless, like it was just a game to them. Like I was poisonous. Many times over I have been told straightforwardly I was. Many times over I had to lift myself up and nobody would be there for me. Many times over I had those who barely recognize me say they hate me. Why? Judgement.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
You can never know how they think, and never know if what they say is even true. Along the line comes those you barely know, and you instantly judge them without even finding out their full capability.
Can anyone really judge? You can see a person everyday, and still not know them. I feel like I can go to school, bearing the title everyone bears: student. And still, I would feel less than human. I could be surrounded by people and feel alone, I could have the whole world despise me, and still I choose to believe I am accepted, and trust in the smiling lips that turn sides when I'm not looking.
A few days ago I was shoved into the walls by some others, like I was worthless, like it was just a game to them. Like I was poisonous. Many times over I have been told straightforwardly I was. Many times over I had to lift myself up and nobody would be there for me. Many times over I had those who barely recognize me say they hate me. Why? Judgement.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
The Idea
So maybe it's just a sudden urge out of the blue. I decided to start blogging maybe. It's not going to be super encouraging, or full of the popular trends of the norm. But I feel like it's going to be a different point of view in things probably. "One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.-Gilbert K. Chesterton" Well, who knows. This might either be fun, or a complete waste of time and effort. Anyways. I'd rather be the failed adventurer than just sit and wonder if it works. Here goes.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
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