Sunday, September 23, 2012


You know how we keep saying to those who had overcome certain pain "strong"? Those who had family die, those who have recovered from a deathly disease? Well the answer is they are just human. They have done what they did because they have gone through many, many pains and sufferings, and somehow grown stronger. 

Sounds cliche eh, but I guess it just proves it, and we have realized it many times over. A kid from rural places can walk on gravel barefoot without getting cut because his/her feet's soles have been toughened, like cowhide, over the years of trial and hurt, and he/she is now used to it, numb to it. Those who have grown up with expensive sports shoes will holler in pain every time they tread on a small shard of wood or glass, and refuse to go on, because it is a new pain and a discomfort to them. 

This applies to almost anything in life and human society, even bullying, those who have been victims all their life are numb to the arrows and bullets those shoot at them, they just ricochet off their body, because they have been used to it. But when those who have always been accepted and loved by many are shot, they fall in an instant and bleed for an eternity. What does it take for one of us to stand? We all stood before. We were all created same, weak and vulnerable. But what matters is who we become, and how we take cover of the stones life throws at us. 

"This is human. For it to wake, it takes a dream. For it to stand, it takes years to learn and have that undying belief. For it to walk, It takes determination and love. For it to speak, it takes courage and ability. For it to fight, it takes strength and power. For it to survive a storm, either physical or mental, it takes luck, support, a goal and a whole lot of hope. For it to fall, It takes a strong, fierce, united push, and a loud, painful crash. For it to stand again, it takes a miracle."~Me

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Till next time, 
Victoria Lee

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