What is beauty? The flawless photo of the over-exposed female, the vain human being on steroids? Girls, do you wake up each morning, and spend about half an hour, fixing each strand of hair perfectly in their place, making sure your mascara is evenly spread, looking over and over again to see if each line of eyeliner is parallel to the other eye, to see if the texture, dryness, shininess of your expensive brand of gloss is a perfect shape? Making sure you won't stand out from all the other perfect faces? Guys, do you shake yourself awake each day, gelling your hair, combing it into some celebrity model, maybe do 20 push ups just so you won't be looked down as weak? Don't we all look in the mirror half naked, girls saying "I'm too fat" and guys saying "I need to work out more?"
Then we all strap on our expensive, fancy brand shoes, backpacks and watches, strut out the door like everyone else, and for a day we laugh and talk about what everyone else is saying. We talk until we are all the same, and we feel not so bad... Hey, I'm not ugly if they are all doing it, right? A zit? Foundation! Cracked lips? More gloss! Bad skin? Powder! All this, comes with a price, on your body's health and your money. They say your skin is bad, so you slap on more makeup. Makeup is like poison, you get addicted, and it worsens your skin condition. You keep slapping it on, it still looks fine, but how long can we hide it? When we are 70, some of us might just start getting tired of all the glitter. When we take it all off at night, what do we see? Wrinkles, imperfections, scars.
In the end, all the years of trying so hard to look pretty, it always ends up all the same, our beauty has faded. What happened? When I was 10, I woke up, brushed my bangs and teeth, washed my face, slapped on a worn and tattered blue/pink Cinnamoroll backpack and pink glasses, buttoned my shirt all the way up to the last button, pulled up knee length white socks, black flats, and smiled out the door. See how much two years could change me? I couldn't pair white socks with black flats anymore ( Huge fashion crime, traded in for black socks), Couldn't wear pink glasses (Traded them in for "better" black frames), Couldn't have straight bangs (Considered "ugly" and not trendy, traded them in for side bangs), Couldn't button any shirt all the way up (Considered nerdy, weird, awkward), Couldn't wear anything with a Sanrio cartoon on it (Considered kiddish, traded in for a purple Outdoor).
I stopped myself from all the mascara and eyeliner, the hair products and ponytails, and the "simple T-shirt". I stopped, because I don't think looking like everyone else is, frankly, "beautiful". Those who started a trend of clothes were just being themselves! Are we being ourselves? No, we are being them, and that makes us clones. the only thing we should strive to be like is Jesus. So right now,just stop here, and think. What if we all stopped dressing like everyone else, and turn a little hipster here? The world would be so much different if we all followed the beat of our own drum, and not listen to the beat of another pounding.
If you like something/somebody, who has the right to change that? You don't have to follow what others say about you. If you listen to them, and you believe that you are/look like crap, then you do look like crap, you are crap. But if you shut it out, and do what you know you were born to do, be who God destined you to be, then you are truly beautiful, because everything he makes is perfect. It's the devil out there, telling you are ugly when you are not. Beauty, is a choice. The choice, to believe who you are, and you are beautiful, because in the end, the true beauty that will endure forever, is your HEART.
Please email me at hopeforthestargazers@gmail.com, comment and share.
Till next time,
Victoria Lee
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