Sunday, September 23, 2012


Bullying. I doubt any of us don't know what that means, right? I have a few things to say about that. First thing is that God has created us all as equal, and I think being unaccepted or less accepted doesn't mean anything. The people around you are all shaped into some form, and just because you are a different form doesn't mean anything big. 

They can all be squares and you could be a circle, and they might not accept you, but someday you would find other circles, and be where you belong. If you're a victim, the worst thing you could do is change in every way you can, to be like the ones around you. god has put you here to find those like you, not force you to be something you are not. 

If you try to become something you obviously aren't meant to be, your original purpose that God had given you to play on has been changed. So my point is to kinda just stay true to you, because regret might strike any time.  

"Be... true to who you are?Some people have worn a mask for so long, hiding themselves from others that a mask really is who they are now. Even is they have been something original then, it has long gone. All that's left now is an empty husk of lies and secrets that ruined everything." ~Me

Please email me at, comment and share. 
Till next time, 
Victoria Lee

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